Why are Absorptive Noise Barriers better than Reflective Noise Barriers?
The answer is simple: Absorptive sound reflective materials eliminate sound waves that hit them. Reflective materials merely bounce them in a different directions.
Noise Barriers: The Science Behind the Tech
- Download the report: “Sound Walls: Absorptive vs Reflective Design and Effectiveness”
- View research: “Use of Absorptive Noise Barriers vs Reflective Noise Barriers on Highway Applications”
Understanding the Difference Between Absorptive and Reflective Materials:
When it comes to sound barriers, materials play a crucial role in their effectiveness. Our SonaGuard system, which utilizes a porous surface material and sound-dampening content, is categorized as absorptive. This means that it minimizes noise reflection, effectively reducing the amount of sound that bounces back towards the source or to other areas.
In contrast, hard surfaces such as masonry or concrete are known for their reflective properties. These materials reflect most of the noise back towards the source and beyond, which can lead to increased noise levels in surrounding areas. For instance, in highway applications, a reflective noise barrier on one side of the roadway can cause sound energy to be reflected across to the opposite side, potentially increasing noise levels for those living or working there.
Advantages of Absorptive Noise Barrier Materials:
While traditional noise barriers have often been made from reflective materials like concrete, modern absorptive materials offer a more effective solution for noise abatement. Reflective materials, such as concrete or brick, tend to bounce sound waves off their surfaces, dispersing noise in various directions. On the other hand, our advanced sound walls are designed to absorb and dissipate sound waves, significantly reducing overall noise pollution.
In scenarios where parallel sound walls are used, reflective walls can diminish the acoustic performance of the barrier, leading to suboptimal noise reduction. Conversely, absorptive parallel noise-reducing walls help to maintain the effectiveness of the barrier by minimizing sound reflections, thereby lowering overall noise levels.
Why Choose Absorptive Over Reflective Materials?
Opting for absorptive materials for noise barriers, especially in urban environments or near highways, can lead to a substantial decrease in noise pollution. These materials not only enhance the quality of life by reducing unwanted noise but also provide a more efficient and long-term solution for sound management. If you're considering what materials reflect sound the least and offer superior noise control, absorptive materials are the way to go.
Which is the better design between absorptive or reflective?
For many outdoor noise problems, well-engineered and efficient absorptive sound walls are fast becoming the noise mitigation tool of choice.
USDOT – Federal Highway Administration “Highway Traffic Noise” 6/05
Why Use Our Absorptive Noise Barriers?
Sound barrier walls fall in one of two categories:
- Reflective
- Absorptive Panels
Let’s compare the two to get a better understanding:
Reflective Noise Barriers:
Barriers without any added absorptive treatment or design, such as block, concrete, wood or metal, are considered reflective. This means, in the case of highway applications for example, that sound energy actually bounces from one side of the roadway to the other. Because there are often reflective barriers on both sides of the road, reflective noise reverberates between the barriers and the vehicles, pouring out into the adjacent neighborhoods. This reflective phenomenon can actually increase overall noise levels to the affected residences.
Absorptive Noise Barriers:
Absorptive noise barriers, on the other hand, don’t reflect sound. In fact, installing a fully-absorptive barrier such as the Sound Fighter® SonaGuard system will eliminate the risk and problems of reflective noise altogether in any application.
Truly effective sound attenuation panels requires the use of sound-absorptive treatments, and no topical or textural treatments applied to reflective materials will ever compare to the sound absorption qualities of the Sound Fighter® SonaGuard Sound Barrier System.
Used in a wide variety of applications ranging from highways and airports to loading docks and schools, the SonaGuard System is the ideal solution for virtually any outdoor noise mitigation requirement.
Ready To Learn More?
Let us help you overcome your noise problems with our 100% absorptive products. Request more information on our products today for your commercial project