This pump station was sufficiently close to residences to cause noise problems.
The MUD enlisted the expert assistance of an acoustic specialist who, after conducting a formal noise analysis on the site, recommended the absorptive noise barrier as the best remedy for the application.
Sound Fighter® Systems designed a 4-sided absorptive noise barrier for the facility that effectively screened and reduced unwanted noise to acceptable levels at the Receiver.
Additionally, a double swing-gate was incorporated into the design to allow for personnel and maintenance access to the equipment.
By reducing noise levels without the need for a roofed acoustic enclosures for compressors, Sound Fighter® Systems also eliminated concerns over heat-buildup and air flow for the equipment.
SFS provided:
- Detailed engineered product drawings, layout drawings and installation drawings.
- Custom color-match noise barrier sections and top caps
- Double swing-gate with absorptive panels
- Custom-engineered, hot-dipped galvanized structural steel framework, footers and base channels
OWNER — Municipal Utilities District
SOUND BARRIER — Sound Fighter® Systems, LLC
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