Studies show that continued exposure to noise pollution can lead to adverse effects on human health. For instance, continuous exposure to noise levels above 85 dB can lead to hearing loss. … [Read more...]
The History of Highway Sound Walls
What Are Methods of Controlling Noise Pollution in Industrial Areas?
Noise pollution is ubiquitous in the industrial sector. Many manufacturing processes, machinery, and equipment produce extreme levels of noise, endangering the physical and mental health of everyone constantly exposed. According to a study on hazardous workplace noise, over 22 million workers in … [Read more...]
How Does HVAC Noise Reduction Work?
HVAC noise mitigation is an important part of environmental controls for any large company that requires commercial-sized utility plants for their businesses. … [Read more...]
What is an Acoustic Enclosure?
Unless you live far from high traffic and big city life, the thought of sound barrier walls may not cross your mind. Outdoor acoustic panels provide a variety of benefits for workers, residents, travelers, and local wildlife. … [Read more...]
How Do Outdoor Noise Barriers Work?
Proven Technology Noise barriers, or sound walls, have been used for generations as an effective tool to treat outdoor noise problems. Historically, sound walls were first used in large scale for roadways and highways. And these barriers were typically made of simple concrete. With increasing … [Read more...]